Performance reviews are a valuable tool for tracking people's progress, providing feedback, and aligning individual achievement with company goals. But they have to be done well. Here are some top tips for getting the most out of your performance reviews.
Coping with a sudden downturn is no walk in the park. If you’re looking to improve your business planning or improve your financial model, do come and talk to us.
Your December quarter activity statement is due soon. Are you ready? We can help prepare your BAS or review your business accounting systems to make your activity statement lodgement easy, accurate and efficient. #businesssystems #smallbiz
Every business wants a team of inspired, engaged people working hard to achieve shared goals, but getting and keeping employees motivated can be tricky. Here are some key strategies for keeping people happy and focused on doing their best.
Struggling with seasonal dips and poor cashflow? We’ll help you identify the timing of your seasonal downtime, and create a strategy for stabilising your income across the year.
Get your books in order now for your monthly activity statement due on the 21st. We can help make sure you are ready for lodgement day. Talk to us. #smallbusiness
2020 was a write-off that you may wish to erase from memory… but take a moment to reflect on your learnings, achievements, and the things you’re grateful for. Here’s to 2021… what goals will you be smashing?
Review your superannuation reports now for your quarterly superannuation guarantee contribution, which is due soon. We can help with your super set-up and prepare the SG contribution and SuperStream lodgement. #tax #smallbusiness
Want to cut unnecessary costs, optimise the most profitable parts of the business, and increase your overall return on investment? Let’s talk about how we can work together to support your ongoing business profitability.
In a world of unpredictability and stress, acceptance, not a comparison, is what will get us through. Find ways to shift your mindset so you get a sense of empowerment, even in challenging times.
July 2024